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WG/BP: Albion Triumphant Pt2: Waterloo

This supplement for Black Powder overviews the main battles, armies and personalities of the Hundred Days campaign, and includes army lists, scenari..
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CHF 29.00


This supplement for Black Powder overviews the main battles, armies and personalities of the Hundred Days campaign, and includes army lists, scenarios and special rules to enable you to re-fight them using the Black Powder rules. 

Featured conflicts include:
- Quatre Bras & Ligny (16th June 1815)
- Hougoumont (18th June 1815) 
- Waterloo (18th June 1815) 

132 pages of Napoleonic army lists, background, troop stats and scenarios make this an absolute must for lovers of Black Powder, of Napoleonic gaming or simply of gloriously produced wargaming books!

You will need the Black Powder rulebook to use Albion Triumphant.