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WG/HC: Imperial Romans Praetorian Guard

Despite being formed to protect the Emperor they quickly became a powerful political force which could make or break an Emperor, Indeed the Praetori..
CHF 33.50


Despite being formed to protect the Emperor they quickly became a powerful political force which could make or break an Emperor, Indeed the Praetorian Guard had, in its time had Emperors deposed, murdered and even auctioned the Roman Empire off at one point! Truly they were the power behind the throne.

This boxed set contains 20 multi-part, hard plastic 28mm tall Roman Praetorian Guard and a metal mounted Emperor - Marcus Aurelius - for them to guard!

Comes replete with options to arm them with pilum or gladius and with great extras such as spare helmets, pila, shields and a cavalry helmet with metal faceplate!

Also contains superb, full-colour waterslide shield transfers to bring your models to life

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted