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Eldfall Chronicles

Eldfall Chronicles is a skirmish game, set in a fantastical world, where groups of adventurers face perilous dangers and opposition.
Players assemble their parties of handpicked individuals hailing from different realms of Calad. With them they embark on quests, seeking various personal ends, glory, and treasure.

In this game you will face both conflict and ancient terror, against which you must depend on your own skill and cunning to prevail. Alternatively, you can join forces with trusted allies and face the battles together!

Players can enjoy playing solo, test their skills in PvP scenarios, or team up against the game in PvE cooperation scenarios.

Eldfall Chronicles follows a living world system that shapes the game through community choices.
Stories, lore, artworks and new missions and rules to play can be found on their homepage
(Quelle: eldfallchronicles.com)